Quantum Computing at the service of your progress

Algorithms used in quantum computing to find customized solutions.


Dobslit - Computação Quântica

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is the science that studies the development of algorithms and software based on information that is processed by systems that use quantum mechanics, in order to achieve results in solving problems that traditional computing does not achieve.

Applicability Cases

Create new ways of working, improve performance and dramatically increase savings on project expenses.


The full potential of quantum computing used to solve the complexity of information in the real world.

Risk Analysis

Large-scale calculations that deal with the simulation of extremely complex scenarios in the analysis of financial risks.


Algorithms responsible for the development, and delivery of the best route for saving time, costs and fuel.

The Company

Dobslit Serviços e Tecnologias Quânticas Ltda. is a pioneer Brazilian company in Second Generation Quantum Technologies in the country. We were born with the clear objective of being the vanguard in the country and in Latin America and a reference in this segment.
We work to fill the gap in this economic segment in our country, building, day by day, a company with technological sovereignty, whose objective is to be one of the nation’s reasons for pride and to cooperate with the progress of humanity.

Dobslit - Computação Quântica

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